Thursday, September 13, 2012


You love me because I am all that your father wasn't. Why do I treat you like I do? Because you allow me to! Simple as that. See what you don't truly understand is I see your insecurities even though you may not be trying to show them to me. You ask yourself a thousand questions every day. But the main question should be how I got so close to your heart. You go through life with your heart on your sleeve, probably due to your upbringing. Maybe because your father wasn't there or he wasn't the man he was suppose to be! I came along and become that and more. I become your lover, your friend, your protector and everything else that you needed me to be. Being all of those things I can do what I want to in your life.
I will not give you the answer as to how to protect yourself from men like me, but I will give you the questions to ask before you end up with what can potentially tear your life apart. See you have to want to see that there is a problem first. Do you find yourself crying over this man more than you’re supposed to? Does he treat you like the bottom of his shoe? Do you only see him when you have something for him or when he’s horny? Or when he misses his child? Or maybe when he misses your head game?
Now that you might have the answer to those questions, how about these? Can you live without talking to him? You may not think so but what did you do without him before you met him? What does he bring into your life that you can't provide for yourself besides some great sex? Excuse my language but we are going to REAL TALK right now. For some reason some women believe that doing bad with someone is better than doing bad by yourself, why is that? That mentality give men like me a chance to come in and take all your money and use your house, cars and anything else we want while not giving up nothing to you but hard penis and half ass conversation. Thank you so much for that opportunity. Why won’t you step out of your situation and just watch as he only takes and not gives a damn thing? The reason you won’t is because he makes you so comfortable with being treated like shit. The same reason a PIMP takes all the money from a woman that's been putting in the work for it all night long. I’m in awe of how the human mind can control and be controlled! This man has come into your life with just a smile and saying some things that he knew you wanted to hear because that's what you told him. (Now that was a jewel, more than I was supposed to give up). Sorry guys. Can I just walk up and say “look I want to have sex with you when I want and take as much as you allow me. I want to take out my frustrations on you when I feel like it”. What would be your response to that? No? Well understand that most men mean just that when they come with that wide smile and nice body. Sending you his big penis pictures. Now if you enjoy that then by all means forget all that I wrote and email me. Maybe we can have a future together. Well at least until I bleed you dry of all that you have, and leave you for a friend or a family member.
Well until next time people!!

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