Saturday, April 13, 2013

Health and Fitness Tips - The Best Trainer

Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that William H. Felder III has joined the staff of Queen Size Magazine..

The Best Trainer will be writing a column on health, fitness and nutrition. We had a vision to see that the truth be told about fitness & nutrition, the information he will be providing you with is the truth and some of the deepest secrets about the Body that some experts don’t want you to know.

Most trainers hate him because he will tell you the truth, and he will never lead you wrong. This is why he considered by his clients as the Best Personal Trainer in the World. I hope that you look forward to reading the “truth about fitness”.

My passion for fitness came about when I was a child. I too was overweight and lacked an appropriate nutritional lifestyle because I lacked the knowledge. As a result of being overweight  I was unhappy with myself and was often  a

target of mockery by my peers. As a teenager, I was inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s portrayal as Conan in the movie “Conan the Barbarian”. From that point on I was committed to c hange. I am going to share some secrets with U that the so called professional don't want U to know.

Last month I Informed U that someone Stole my iPad. I got so many e-mails from people that enjoyed last month article I wrote on Health & Fitness & Nutritional Tips, I am going to share some more Health & Fitness & Nutritional Tips with u today.

Happy New Year to U & Your Family. Some Gifts Last a Lifetime. Some Gifts Length it. Give yourself the Gift of Health:

I am going to give U a Gift. For the next ten people that contact me they can purchase ten sessions for $ 30.00 a session. Yes U can train with the Best Personal Trainer in the World for $ 30.00. So if U have wanted to learn how to Box or Defend yourself or U have Dreamed of having a Six Pack let me Make your Dreams become reality. Plus this comes with FREE Nutrition. Just e-mail ME @ & say code 353. I Look forward to hearing from U.

* Below is MY Steps You Absolutely Must Take To Guarantee Resolution Success:


2. Set realistic long-term goals that are safe and well-defined. For example, "Lose 20 pounds" doesn't really set parameters or define the weight that will be lost. After all, will losing 20 pounds of water weight or muscle tissue really make you happy? By which date do you plan to achieve this goal? Define your long-term goal with detail; for example, "Lose 20 pounds of body fat by March 30th".

3. Next, determine a strategy for measuring your success. The example above aims for twenty pounds of fat to be lost over three months. In this case, we'd suggest checking your actual body fat lost with body fat testing (or body composition testing). I offer this service, or you can purchase an electronic bodyfat analyzer from many department stores. This form of testing will also tell you how much muscle you've gained, so you can use this to monitor progress for that fitness goal, also. For those seeking to improve endurance or heart health, you may find it helpful to measure progress and success with fixed goals such as increasing walking time or improving aerobic capacity. 

4. Now that we know our long-term goal and how we'll track our progress, it is time to break that into short-term goals. If the goal is to lose twenty pounds of fat in three months, then you may want to lose about 1.5 pounds of fat per week. Or, if you know ahead of time that you'll face certain obstacles (ie, planned vacation or periods of high stress at work), then this is the time to plan around them and set goals relating to those obstacles (i.e., "I will continue my exercise plan while on vacation"). This short-term goal setting should be realistic and manageable. Set intervals for progress-tracking during this phase of planning.
5. Write your list of reasons for wanting to achieve this goal. Then, do the opposite:  Write how you will feel if you do NOT achieve this goal. Be honest, and dig deep. Think about the effects upon your health, your mood, your activities, and your self-esteem. You'll refer to this, as needed, to stay the course of your action plan.

6. Finally, consult with a qualified exercise scientist or wellness coach like The Best Personal Trainer in the World to write your personalized plan of action. Your current lifestyle and preferences should be assessed to determine a realistic approach that will work for you and the amount of time that you can dedicate to your wellness. A strategy should also be implemented that matches your goals. In the example above, the short-term goal involved losing 1.5 pounds each week. In such a case, a caloric deficit of 5200 calories each week should be developed, through exercise, smaller caloric intake, or both. Once a plan like this is solid and executable, success is just around the corner, and your short-term goals will soon add up to your long-term goal.

Benefits Of Making Love

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more. 

That's a surprise to many people. Of course, sex is everywhere in the media, but the idea that

we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people.

Sex does a body good in a number of ways. Among the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship:

Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles: Exercises to strengthen your pelvic floor, an important part of your core, can be done sitting at your desk and even during sex. Whether you know it or not, you're performing Kegels while having sex, which increases pleasure. Bonus: a toned pelvic floor improves your bladder control.

Burns Calories: Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions.

Relieves Stuffiness: Having an orgasm temporarily clears up sinuses. Sex for seasonal allergies? Bring it on!

Boosts Immunity: Here's something else sex and exercise have in common. People who have sex once or twice a week have 30 percent higher levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, which boosts your immune system.

* Something to think About

Do you believe in your ability to look and feel your best in 2012?  Just Hire ME & I will make your dreams a reality.

Happy New Year to you and yours.  I look forward to helping you achieve your goals in 2012! 

Join one of my free networking site for more FREE advice or if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at: 

Website: BestPersonalTrainer.Biz 
Follow Me on Twitter @BestTrainer
Follow Me on InstagramBestPersonalTrainer 
Subscribe to My YouTube Account @BestPersonalTrainer1 

William H. Felder III 
Best Personal Trainer In The World 

Fitness 101 – The Duchess’ Journey to working it out - The Duchess

Having decided to make life changes instead of the typical resolutions, I have to become more diligent about accomplishing my goals.  I know some basic changes that I need to make, but I also know that those basic changes are fairly easy but simply not enough.  I want to make Olympic gold star changes! I want to win the decathlon; I want to go to infinity and beyond…  Ok I hate running and I’m not so thrilled about going into space either, but you get my point.  I need to reevaluate things about myself in order to make the necessary changes. Not just simple changes. I mean the kind of significant changes that will generate the things that I want, need and desire.  Visiting a friend’s church recently, I found myself valuing more than ever the meaning behind the sermon.  The Bishop spoke about “Beyond All Limits”. In order to have what I want and need, I have to go “Beyond All Limits” In order for me to make those major changes, that will increase my life in abundance, I have to go “Beyond All Limits”.  However before I can come remotely close to accomplishing any changes, there are a few steps that are absolutely necessary.  Step 1 Determine where I am currently and be honest about.  That means looking at my lifestyle, who I surround myself with, my finances, my health status, all those things that need to be checked.  Once I am honest about my current situation, I can begin to do the work. Step 2 Be specific about what I want.  What good is making changes if I don’t know exactly what it is I’m aiming for in the first place? It is not enough to say I want to be healthy.  I have to be specific. - I want to have a blood pressure of 117/76, I want to exercise three times a week and include strength training, I want to have a career in the music industry by in the next year…ok, ok, I can’t sing. Step 3 Understand that all that I want is obtainable.  I have a right to have the things I want; no one can stop that but me.  Step 4 Ask for help.  A little help goes a long way.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help when I need it. Step 5 Keep doing the right thing, even if it doesn’t feel good.  Hard work is not easy. Doing the right thing isn’t easy, but it’s necessary.  Staying the course is essential.

Whether your goals are towards good health, a new job, new attitude, new home, better relationships, know that you can have all you want and more by following these basic steps.  Go Beyond All Limits… You deserve it!  Mind, body & soul…

Until we meet again.

The Duchess


Terry and Tammy Hill - Queen Size Magazine’s King and Queen

Queen Size Magazine recently ran a contest looking for a couple to King and Queen. The winner was set to receive a cover feature in the February issue of our magazine and a night out to dinner. We received many submissions but there was one couple that stood out the most to us.

Tammy and Terry Hill is quite deserving of this prize. They are a young married couple with six children from Philadelphia, PA. This couple is an example of true love really does exist. They faced many obstacles throughout their relationship but they were determined to stay together; determined to prove that love conquers all.  Twenty two years later their love still goes strong. Tammy is a Nursing Assistant and Terry is a Chef. They don’t have much but what they do have is the love and support of each other and their children.

Even from the names it seems these two were meant to be together. The couple met in their hometown of Philadelphia, PA 22 years ago at a friend’s party. Some of us laugh at the notion of love at first sight, but Tammy said she knew when she laid her eyes on him that he was the one for her and at that time she was only 13 year old. Proof that age knows no number. Throughout their relationship, like most, they have been tested, but they were determined not to let anything keep them apart. For many years they had to sneak around to see each other because Tammy’s parents disliked Terry. Terry’s parents treated Tammy as if she was their own but they didn’t fully accept their relationship until after the marriage.

It must be something raising 3 boy and 3 girls ages 17, 15, 12, 5, 6 and 3 years old; I want to pull my hair out sometimes with two kids. I don’t know how they do it with six.

Terry knew this was the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life. One day he took Tammy out to dinner and a movie, when they got home he couldn’t wait another day to ask Tammy to marry him so he got down on one knew and popped the question. With the help from Tammy’s bridesmaids they were able to put together their wedding in six months. Financially they planned the whole wedding with no assistance from anyone else.

We live in the days where the divorce rate is continuing to climb to an all time high. We hear so much about people getting divorced, we rarely hear the triumphant stories of the one that stay together through it all. So when we read Terry and Tammy’s story we knew we had a winner. Tammy and Terry got married and were never able to have a honeymoon; they simply could not afford it.

Tammy Hill, you are my better half, my world, my oxygen; without you I couldn’t breathe. You are my best friend, my lover. I knew the moment we met that you were going to be my wife. I love you with everything in me; you have made me a better person. You gave me six beautiful kids. For this and more, I love you so very much!” ~Terry Hill

I love this man with everything in me. He is my everything; he is my best friend, my lover. He is a great father and a wonderful husband. I am glad God has brought this man into my life. Without him I don’t know where I would be. I love you so much Terry Hill and I am blessed to have you as my husband. ~Tammy Hill

Finding Love – Part I: Look in the Mirror - Ayana Lewis

Peace and Blessings Queen Readers.  I hope that 2013 has been a good and productive year for you thus far.  For those of you who make annual resolutions  - I pray that you are staying on track with your goals.  Those of you who do not believe in resolutions – I hope  your needs, wants and dreams are in the process of  being met.   For all of us – let’s make sure that we are staying focused!

February has traditionally been the month to celebrate many things.  For the African American Community, February is the time we celebrate  Black History Month.  We also commemorate President’s Day.  Finally, when you walk into retail stores, you will notice the explosion of Red.  Red Balloons, cards, chocolates, flowers, and plush animals as we count down to Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Days has a different meaning for different people.  Depending on your belief system and your relationship status  – you may look forward to February 14th with excitement, disdain or indifference.  For this February issue of Queen Size Magazine – I will be kicking off a three (3) part series entitled         Finding Love”.  The series will encompass topics such as what is love, what it takes to find and sustain love and what part you may be playing in blocking Mr. or Ms. Right from coming into your life.  Let me emphasize that I’m not an expert.  A lot of what I will be sharing is from personal experience as well as what I’ve witnessed has worked or may not have worked for other people.  You may take, leave or ignore my tips  but, if you seriously would like to change your relationship status from single to being in a partnership (noticed I said “partnership – not relationship?  We will address that later J!)  read on and see if any of my tips or advice may work for you. 

Let’s start from the top for what is needed to finding love.  Before you attempt to throw your hat into the realm of seeking and accepting love,  let’s answer the following question.  What is Love?

According to – Love is “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. A feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.   A sexual passion or desire.”   Urban definition of Love is “The most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.  Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person.  Love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions: completely loving someone. It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa.  Love involves wanting to show your affection and/or devotion to each other. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them.  Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense, and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love.”

If you are a believer in Christianity, the bible states that Love is from GOD.  Rich Deem writes on the Website that “GOD has endowed us with the capacity for love, since  we are created in His image.”  The Love that  GOD has mandated from believers is called Agape Love.  Agape Love is selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. The ultimate example of Agape Love is the love that GOD showed for all of us when he “so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
Although GOD wants us to give the same type of unconditional, sacrificial love to our fellow human s– we as Humans tend to offer conditional love. The most famous biblical chapter on agape love is from 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.  It states:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
We as Humans have moved away from Agape Love and in its stead we practice Conditional Love.  Conditional Love is love offered based on what the other person can do for you or based on what type of behavior the person exhibited towards us.
So now that we have defined what Love is, I will pose theses question to you.   Is which type of Love are you willing to give to a partner?  Agape Love or Conditional Love?  Which type of Love do you seek from a Partner?  Are you capable of giving this same type of Love that you want in return?  Most people give Conditional Love but, want Agape Love.   Before you try seeking any type of love from another person -can you honestly say what type of Love that you have for the person in the mirror?  Can you honestly say that you are so comfortable in your own skin, your own spirit; with your past, present and future that when you look in the mirror that you love yourself the same way that GOD has attended us to love ourselves and each other?  If the answer is yes.  You are on the right track in finding the perfect partner for you.  If you have answered no, before you attempt to try to throw your hat into the dating ring, attempt to move forward in a budding romance or need to run like hell out of the bad relationship that is hindering your growth and is probably detrimental to your mind, body and spirit – you need to look in the mirror and ask your self  “Do I love me?”  “What is it about me that I love?”  “What is it about me that I don’t Love?”  “What changes do I need to make to be comfortable in my own skin?”  “What are my goals and aspirations for myself?” and “Will a current or potential partner uplift me or hinder me in my quest?”
If any of the readers are like me, we can be our worst critic.  Each time we think or utter negative thoughts about ourselves – it’s like taking a sledge hammer, chisel and chipping away at our being.  With enough pressure and force – we may break our spirit all together.  The thing about a sledge hammer and chisel is that most times we have no idea which hit will be the blow that may cause the entire structure to completely crumble.  The same is true about  any self defamation that we may cause against ourselves.  When we continue to speak negatively about our weight, our looks, our hair, our finances, our lack of education, our lack of employment or any lack thereof;  sooner or later not only will we begin to believe the negative messages but,  we will also attract people who will spoon feed the negativity that we are already feeding ourselves. Laws of Attraction 101.  We are who we attract.  If you continue to belittle yourself about what you feel are short comings about yourself – I guarantee that you will either attract a person who will be like a mirror for you constantly showing you all of your short comings either through their lack of love of for themselves or feeding you the negativity that you are not only displaying yourself but to society as well.  
Instead of being concerned about having a partner or if you are unhappy with the partner you have; This Valentine’s Day focus on the one person that we tend to neglect.  You!  Sit Down and make a list answering the questions that I have listed above.  When you have answered these questions keep in mind that in order to receive Agape Love, you must have Agape Love for GOD and yourself first.  If you will only feel better about yourself if you loose 20 pounds, that is not Agape Love, that is Conditional Love.  If you need to really need to lose the 20 pounds for health reasons – LOVE YOURSELF enough to aspire , implement and take action to lose the 20 pounds.  If you only love yourself if you make a certain salary – that is Conditional Love and that is not healthy.  If it would
make you feel better about you to increase your salary do something about but, always remember – GOD DOES NOT CARE about your worldly possessions.  He only cares about the Love that you have for him and through your life are exhibiting the same Love for yourself and unto others.  When this is in your spirit, then and only then will you be able to think about what you want in a partner.
So from this point forward , let’s take the time to look in the mirror.  Really look at yourself!  Let’s not just look at the physical attributes  that we find attractive or not so attractive but, when you look in the mirror  - ask yourself “Would you date the person that is  staring back at you?” Most people will say yes because we as humans think that we don’t posses flaws.  We  are the bomb.!  We are made of absolute perfection!  It is great to have a high self esteem but, as human beings  I have a news flash.  WE ARE NOT PERFECT!  We always have work that we can do to make us better.  Perfections is what we aim for.  When looking in the mirror, if you can tolerate your positive attributes as well as your negative attributes without shame, disgust or the feeling that you want to keep any dirty little secret (s)to yourself  then you are taking the right steps to loving yourself and finding the right  partner at GOD has designed specifically for you. 
Tune into QSM’s March 2013 issue to read my next part in this series entitled “Finding Love Part II:  Are You Blocking Mr. or Ms. Right from coming into Your Life?”  Until then – if you do take nothing else from this article – implement these two mantra’s in your life:
Reevaluate Your Price Tag! 
Stop being an option in someone life when you deserve to be a requirement!
  Stay Blessed!
Ayana Lewis is a 38 year old African American who was born and raised in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. She’s a graduate from SUNY Morrisville where she studied Journalism. She also attended SUNY Oswego where she studied Communications. A mother of one son, she now resides in Queens. She enjoys photography, traveling, reading, politics and practicing a talent she has been running from for years – writing.