QSM: Tell our readers a little bit about yourself and
where you are from.
well I’m Aurora Jonez creator and host of the online talk show “Living Life
Aurora”. I’m an LGBT advocate; I’m originally from North Carolina and the proud
mother of two young men 23 and 19.
QSM: How did you come to be a volunteer for the Gay Black
Female Magazine?
Aurora: I was online one day, and saw a
posting in a group for staff members for a print magazine that was based out of
California called GBF Magazine. I always loved to write and had written some
short stories and erotica, so I sent an email with my info for one of the
Content Editors positions. I was accepted. Later on I was thrilled yet
surprised because everyone on the team had a background in writing or media but
me. I guess they saw something in me.
QSM: You are such a positive fixture in the LGBT
community. What encouraged you to go into multimedia production?
Aurora: Thank you. I really appreciate that.
After the magazine project ended I teamed up with the graphic designer from the
staff Kaution
Hill, whom eventually became my mentor. She had been involved in design and
media for a while and I started working on some projects with her. After a
while I felt like I wanted to do more. So in 2008 I started my own online
magazine called LezNation Magazine which was for lesbian women
of color. That expanded to LezNation
Media which was for all of the LGBT community. By then internet radio had
started to boom so I wanted to produce a show of my own. The name Bent Radio
was decided and I had a host. They backed out about a week before, but I had a
show I had been promoting for weeks. So with encouragement from others I
decided to host it myself. I love knowledge and I also love sharing knowledge
with others. Multimedia, whether its online, print, video, radio is one of the
best ways to get information to people
QSM: What was life for you like growing up?
My town was called Aurora, and yes I specifically chose Aurora as my
business name. I was an only child, raised by my grandmother. It was country
living, small town USA, rode a school bus from k-12. I had friends, but spent a lot of time alone because my home was in a rural
area. I wrote a lot, pretended a lot. I had a great childhood but I couldn’t
wait to leave once I graduated high school. Then I came to New York to live
with my mom.
QSM: When I was younger I wanted to become a teacher.
What did you want to be growing up?
Aurora: A political scientist. I have no
idea where that came from. I think it just sounded good to me at the time. But
I do remember that’s what I wanted to be.
QSM: Who inspires your career?
Aurora: I would have to say my grandmother.
She always pushed me to do the best I can and be the best I can be. I’m sure if
she was still alive she would be listening to my shows. She’d probably be
shocked but she would be listening. LOL
QSM: Let’s discuss your radio show. What is the name of
it, what is it about and where can people tune in?
Aurora: It’s The Living Life AuroraTalk
show. I host it with my co-host Babu Rhem. It features news, interviews,
discussion topics and music from underground/unsigned artists. It is a show for
everyone. We feature in studio and phone interview guests from all walks of
life and backgrounds. People from the LGBT community, straight community,
authors, organizations, entertainers. One week we had a show featuring Swingers
and the next week a show featuring members from a new TV network in Harlem. So
we are very diverse in our topics and guests. If you have a great story to
tell, we don’t care who you are we want to hear it. We broadcast from F.L.O.
Empire Radio in Manhattan which is an independent BDS certified radio station
that operates 24/7. Our live shows can be heard Saturdays 10pm to midnight EST
by visiting www.floempireradio.com and the archives can be found on my website www.livinglifeaurora.com
QSM: Where can people get copies of LezNation Magazine?
Oh boy. There’s none of those around. But if someone
really wants a copy they can email me at aurorajonez.mail@gmail.com I
can send them a few PDF copies.
QSM: You recently
ventured into live coverage and on camera
interviews; what is that like for you? Personally, I still get nervous doing live interviews (just don’t tell nobody)
Let me tell you! I was so nervous. I just wanted it to be over, but it was so much fun. Even though I was nervous I can’t wait to do it again. I wish I
could pretend the camera isn’t there and
I’m just talking into the mic on
the radio, but that’s hard to do with a bright light and lens in your face. (smile)
QSM: I KNOW!!!. Lol … You are into so
much; what did I miss?
Aurora: I don’t think there are enough pages
in here for that….LMAO Wow well, I recently went natural. I just got tired of
the perms and weaves and decided to do something different. So I’m still
getting used to that. Oh I don’t identify as a lesbian anymore. (GASP)I prefer to actually not identify as
anything, but since society feels we must identify as something I guess most
would say I’m Queer. This is where you have the LGBTQ which the Q is usually
left off. The best way I can explain the word “Queer” and again this is my
personal definition, would be not fitting into the stereotypes that are in
place for the lesbian and gay community and yes there are stereotypes within
the community. I feel I have evolved over the years and my dating and sexual
preferences are not confined to a box. I like who I like. Someone asked me once
“Well what are you? Are you lesbian, Bi, straight or what?” My response to them
was, “I am everything, and I am nothing.” I leave that up to the individual to
interpret, which is really irrelevant. What is relevant is that I provide
quality news and entertainment.
QSM: That deserves a couple of snaps. I understand where
you are coming from with the whole natural hair thing. It took me a lot of
getting used to but I am still perm free and loving it. I have a great hair
dresser. But back to you; where can people read more info on you and/or get
booked on one of your shows?
Aurora: More info about me specifically
would be my website www.livinglifeauaora.com
they can subscribe or add me on facebook, www.facebook.com/aurorajonez
Twitter @aurora_jonez ,
I’m also on Linkedin. To be a show guest they can send an
email to aurorajonez.mail@gmail.com we
also accept music from artists. They can visit the Living Life Aurora website
and there is a link to submit their music.
QSM: Any final thoughts before you leave us?
Aurora: I would like to say thank you for
giving me the opportunity to be featured by Queen Size magazine it’s an honor.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me all these years. The love is very
much appreciated and I hope to continue to keep everyone informed and
entertained in the New Year.
QSM: Thank you for your time? Continued success to you
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